Name Badges that Drive Networking
You can now pay, print and play SCANTrivia On demand at your event!
Here’s How it Works
Once you have placed an order through our website our team will send you a PDF file of your badges that can be printed by your choice vendor or by using one of the Avery templates listed below. Then during your event insert your INBs into the back of your badge holder for attendees to scan and activate for game play. That easy!
Main Benefits of INBs On Demand:
– Does not require system integration
– More cost effective since you are printing the badges
– Quick 12 hour turn-around on your orders
2 Engagement Types to Choose for your Attendees!
Standard SCANTrivia (Conservative Engagement)
Have fun with our standard SCANTrivia platform by allowing your attendees to create a trivia question about themselves.
Questions types include:
– Multiple Choice
– True or False
– Fill in the Blank
2 Truths and a Lie (High Energy Engagement)
If you have an energetic audience that wants to have lots of fun during the event, try out our 2 Truths and a Lie platform! 2 Truths and a Lie is the ultimate ice-breaker for any event as it creates a great segue into fun or meaningful conversations.

How it All Works
SCANTrivia Badge Inserts make it easy to add gamification to your event without system integration. Just insert our INBs into the back of your badge holder and your attendees can claim them on site in a matter of minutes. Attendees can either use the QR code reader in your event app or download the free SCANTrivia Gamification App.
How to Get Started
Get started by picking one of our SCANTrivia badge types and the amount you need for your event. Once your payment has been processed we will send you a PDF file of all your INBs. You can then print your badges whenever you like.
Onsite Badge Claiming Process
During your event each attendee can claim their badge by simply scanning the QR code and following the prompts to create their question.
Once attendees claim their badge and create their trivia question or 2 truths and a lie, they are then able to scan other participant’s badges and earn points.
Q: How much do the badges cost?
A: Badges can be purchased in sets of:
(50 – 100 – 200 – 300 – 400 – 500) at $1.50 each
(1,000 – 1,500 – 2,000) at $1.25 each
SCANTrivia INB inserts – $55 set up fee
SCANTrivia INB Hello badges – $35 set up fee
Q: How long does it take to turn-around the badges?
A: It takes 24 hours from the time of processing to receive your badges.
Q: How will my badges be sent to me?
A: Your badges will be saved as a PDF file and emailed to the address indicated in your order form.
Q: Which Avery template do I use for my badges?
A: SCANTrivia badge inserts are configured for:
Avery Name Badge Insert Refills
3″ x 4″, 300 Inserts (5392)
6 per sheet, White
SCANTrivia Hello badges are configured for Avery template:
Avery Template 25395
Adhesive Name Badges
2-1/3″ x 3-3/8″
8 per Sheet, White
Q: If I have left over badges can I use them for another event?
A: Currently our platform configures badges by event. Therefore, unclaimed badges cannot be used for future events.
Q: Can I order more badges for the current event if I need to?
A: Yes, just keep in mind that there is a 12 hour turn-around for processing.